VIDAL has been chosen to supply the drug database which supports the first medical software application certified for hospital use in France. The application has been developed by one of the country’s leading medical software providers Computer Engineering and certified by HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé). The certification requires Computer Engineering to run a drug database and in this case they chose VIDAL as their partner. In addition to providing a high quality database for the healthcare industry in Europe, VIDAL has become a trusted partner for an increasing number of medical software providers – more than 150 – in France. VIDAL Group has more than 200 such partnerships throughout Europe and the Middle East. VIDAL Group’s Chief Executive Vincent Bouvier commented, “This success highlights VIDAL’s successful and growing relationships that we have established in this field. VIDAL is now moving rapidly to become an entirely digitally-delivered business.” VIDAL Group is a leading healthcare company and major European player in medical informatics providing solutions to a global healthcare market. It provides reference drug and clinical decision support to general practitioners, specialist doctors, pharmacists, and patients. It contributes significantly to the improvement of the quality of care and medical practices in Europe. Ends Computer Engineering is a medical software provider which has developed applications tailored to the needs of healthcare market since 1991.